I’m exploring and trying to learn Haskell, or at least get better understanding of functional programming. So I thought it would be interesting to tease the brain and reimplement some of Haskell parts in my “mother tongue” C#.
So as it is clear from the title, I’m going to implement foldr
function. In general
fold is a higher order function that does processing of list and return result. We can
think of it as of reduce function. foldl
differs from foldr
only in order of processing
lists. From left to right or from right to left.
So let’s looks at it declaration
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr f z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)
So let’s reformulate problem in C# terms. So foldr is a method, which accepts
some Func<>
, parameter to return, when list is empty, and the list itself.
Written in code it looks like:
TResult Foldr<TArg, TResult>(Func<TArg, TResult, TResult> func, TResult b, IEnumerable<TArg> en)
return b;
return func(en.First(), Foldr(func, b, en.Skip(1)));
Not as elegant as if we had pattern matching in C# but still looks quite good.
And now we can use our foldr
to calculate sum of a list:
// When list is empty its sum is 0.
Foldr((a,b) => a + b, 0, Enumerable.Range(0, 10))